Divine Source
Healing services

Obtain deep, authentic clearing &
healing directly with the Divine realm!

Divine Source Trauma Resolution (dstr)

For past-life karmic healing

Have you ever been curious about your past lives? Or do you have any life or healing obstacles that just don’t seem to have a solution no matter what you do or how long you try to overcome them?

Did you know that trauma from past lives very frequently affects us in the current life? These past situations can manifest in the current life as stress, anxiety, illness, financial instability, and other dis-eases or issues

"After these sessions I felt a huge change in me"

We also often carry over negative beliefs and emotional states from previous life traumas or events, which can block what we want from manifesting in our life (healing, money, relationships, joy, etc.).  

Karmic energy is trying to signal that you are in need of healing and help for things unfinished in the past

But how would one obtain karmic healing or help heal something from another lifetime!? Through Divine Partnership! 

"I was blown away by the amount of information Tomar and Lance were able to gather from my past lives!"

Tomar is an authentic Divine channeler connected to Divine Source, while Lance as a trauma resolution practitioner relays unique and powerful calls to Source to engage your authentic former selves and facilitate past-life healings

Divine Source Trauma Resolution allows you to find out about your “unfinished business” from other lifetimes causing your current struggles in life. Learn the fascinating chronology of events and interesting details of past lives, along with peering into your deep-rooted negative beliefs blocking your progress. This helps give you clarity and understanding of how and why you are currently struggling (hint: it’s often NOT because of things from your current life!).

Not only does DSTR bring forward your authentic lifetimes, but it also employs high-level, Divine karmic healing to mend the ancient wounds from many lifetimes. On top of that, the Divine helps us formulate and instill positive beliefs to replace the old ones that don’t serve you anymore, allowing you to move forward empowered in your life. 

"This session is amazing, I'm loving every second of it."

"I’m only part way through, taking notes like crazy, and the feminine energy part has me in absolute tears connecting that to my present situation and validating that I am breaking this cycle."

Book a session now to find out about your past lives, obtain authentic, root-causal healing as well as experience an authentic and loving connection in partnership with Divine Source ~ our Beloved Creator of All That Is! 

You do not need to be present for this healing session to occur. You will receive an audio recording mp3 file of the session with Divine Source, Tomar and Lance shortly after the session. 

Choose your healing option:

Explore Your Root Issues

Gain illuminating insight about your primary concerns & heal them with Divine Source!


What’s included: 

  • 2-5 healing concerns
  • 2 past-life scene summaries illuminating significant root of your concern
  • We go deeper and obtain emotional states, soul characteristics, healing colors, old and new transformed beliefs with your Higher Self, and more! 
  • BONUS: 1 uplifting & relevant lifetime provided
  • mp3 audio recording of entire session containing all feedback above 

This session is recommended if you want to understand and obtain the many facets of your personal healing concerns. After exploring the 2 most relevant past lives associated with your 2 target issues, emotional states, soul characteristics and more are revealed. Old, negative beliefs resulting from that past life are transformed to new, positive beliefs with Divine Source and your Higher Self ~ and you move forward more aware, healed and empowered in your life.

Joint-Past Life Healing for Relationships, Couples, Families, Business Partners, etc.

Peer into you and your partner’s interesting past, and BOTH receive powerful Divine Healing!


What’s included (for BOTH parties): 

  • 2-5 healing concerns
  • 2 past-life scene summaries illuminating the dynamics between the 2 parties and the significant roots of you AND your partners concerns
  • We go deeper and obtain emotional states, soul characteristics, healing colors, old and new transformed beliefs with your Higher Selves, and more! 
  • BONUS: 1 uplifting & relevant combined lifetime provided
  • mp3 audio recording of entire session containing all feedback above 

Each person must be aware and agree to receive this healing, as this is a joint healing method and both parties will receive information about who they were and what happened with their current-life partner of interest (except in the case of a minor, e.g., mother and 8 year old daughter joint session). 

Please inquire for family packages and other group offerings!

No-Feedback Session

Obtain powerful healing with Divine Source, just skip the past life information to save money!

This session is recommended if you have already had DSTR past-life feedback, and just want the healing done. This will save us time which saves you money ~ but you still receive the same powerful healing DSTR provides! 

$200 - 1 session

Package your sessions to enhance your healing and save money!

$500 - 3 sessions

Note: You will not receive feedback or an mp3 for this type of session. Please see above if you want past life, beliefs, or other information. 

Awakenings and transformations can occur rapidly and often do, but we recommend people be patient as Divine healing works through various timelines, dimensions and multiple levels of your being, as well as with the akashic records. Healing that goes so deep works from the bottom up, healing layer after layer, including your past and future lives, in a way that is best for you and even your loved ones. Often physical symptoms are not the the first thing to resolve, but what is being healed is essential for lasting results. We recommend monthly subscription sessions to multiply and accumulate the far-reaching benefits to your healing.

Divine Source Clearing & Healing

LightWorker Healing Protocol (LHP)

This powerful, high-level, empowered prayer protocol works with Divine Source to remove and heal all sources of negativity that may be affecting you or loved ones. This method is highly effective at removing negative energies that can take root in your field and cause many emotional and even interpersonal issues. It also initiates karmic healing, aligns and balances your chakras and energy field, and enacts divine protection and soul alignments so that you can move forward in your life with peace of mind. Can be extended to clear & heal family members, other loved ones, pets and even locations. 


  • $150 for 1 session by both Tomar & Lance – 2 healing practitioners & 2 sessions for the price of 1!
  • All sessions come with consultation w/Tomar or Lance if desired

DSTR ~AND~ LHP Subscriptions

Ongoing Monthly

Clearing + Healing + Karmic Trauma Resolution

"Things go so much better in our lives when I’m having these done regularly, as I’ve been doing for months now"

Why rely on a monthly healing?

Subscribing takes advantage of the repeating and compounding healing benefit of sessions over time. It’s more than just one healing session each time we do it, as this is not an additive formula. Doing these sessions over time brings exponential, multiplicative healing energies beyond what can be quantified since we are working with the Divine realm in an incredibly leveraged way

These sessions are provided at such a reduced rate because we believe the power and potential lies in repetition ~ as the Divine has specifically recommended to us that repetition in healing and Divine alignment is key ~ so we want to bring the repetition and power monthly Divine healing provides to more people

You will NOT receive any past life feedback or details about your healing concerns. We recommend you obtain a detailed past life exploration to understand what we offer before subscribing, but it is not necessary (see session options above). 

"There are definite positive shifts with these sessions, and it’s most powerful and noticeable over time when these are done regularly. I would say I am definitely noticing positive shifts at the time of the sessions and also over time when these are done consistently at intervals, and my friend would agree. Thanks Lance & Tomar!"
-Michael, CA

We come together in the joy of our Divine Partnership, Tomar and Lance, along with Creator and you and your Higher Self, all in Ultimate Divine Partnership. Each month we work to help heal your concerns with our knowledge and passion and Divine healing circuit (that has actually developed through many lifetimes together, and we are grateful to share in it powerfully once again) to benefit you and many others through this work. 

We are here to work with you and guide you through your healing journey as a subscriber to our ultimate healing offering. We will contact you upon initial payment to obtain your healing concerns and other goals in your life, as well as intermittently throughout your subscription.  

Consider it your mind, body, and soul getting consistent Divine clearing, aligning, transforming, healing & even prophylactic Divine health insurance ALL in ONE at a nominal fee. You will be hard-pressed to find any other healing package this beneficial and transformative at an affordable price.

Make it the ultimate healing subscription by combining DSMR and LHP subscriptions now & start to shift your life as desired! 

Obtain the ultimate healing subscription by combining the power of both the DSTR and LHP each month. The two work beautifully together to create lasting change in your life! 

Subscription Terms: No feedback is received beyond monthly notice of when your sessions were complete. Each session may or may not have the same amount of time between them and the next session (e.g., do not expect your session every 30 days, or the third Thursday of every month). Also we teach that “patience is a virtue” ~ most significant transformations are not instant, and take time (although we’ve had our fair share of quick miracles!) ~ and these subscriptions with repeating and compounding sessions take advantage of increased time and healing for desirable pathways & restoration to manifest in your life. This subscription program is paid in full upfront to ensure all payments are met. If your circumstances do not allow this, please let us know and we will come to some arrangement together.

This is a personalized reading based on an ancient Kabbalastic numerology system and your incarnating name. Find out about your challenges, talents and goals in a worldly/material sense as well as a spiritual sense. Soul Plan reveals what you’re here to work on as well as your Soul Purpose. Delivered in an easy to read report.

"Everything just fits. Everything was so accurate!"


Tomar is currently offering Compassion Key sessions as a master practitioner, Light Worker support groups and classes, Artistic Soul Portraits, Divine Channeling of your Higher Self, amongst other services. Check out her website here!

Lance is currently offering Holographic Memory/Trauma Resolution, Reiki Healing sessions, Animal Energy & Communication sessions, as well as personalized healing retreats at his AirBnB and Ranch property in Texas. Check out his website here!

Confused? Too much information?

We know it’s a lot of information to take in. Contact us for any questions you may have. We’ll get the best healing going for you!

These powerful healing modalities – the Lightworker Healing Protocol (LHP) and the Divine Source Trauma Resolution (DSTR) – were originally developed by Karl Mollison of GetWisdom.com in partnership with Divine Source and the divine realm, with enhancements from Lance & Tomar in partnership with Source. 

Medical disclaimer: The information and techniques used and taught in our spiritual practice do not constitute medical advice. Healing and medicine are two very different disciplines. You should always remember to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or practitioner in the case of serious illness. While all suggested treatments are offered in good faith, Tomar Levine & Lance Rayborn cannot accept responsibility for any illness arising out of the failure by the reader/individual/recipient to seek medical advice from a qualified doctor or medical practitioner. 


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