About Us

Tomar Levine

As an exhibiting artist living in New York City, I experienced a spiritual awakening in my early thirties that rerouted my life. I knew I had a spiritual mission but despaired of ever finding a way to express it. That began my long journey as a “professional student” through countless classes and trainings, including two healing schools, a psycho-spiritual path for seventeen years, receiving my masters degree in art therapy (which I never used) and finally landing in the coaching world as an online mentor, teacher and healer for light workers and spiritual change agents – people like me on their own quest. 

One thread through all of this has been channeling, for early on I discovered an ability to contact the Divine Source directly and receive answers. This became a secret passion of mine, but I couldn’t find any practical use for it and gradually I explored other interests and stopped using this gift – for almost 20 years.

When I entered the online coaching world – well past the age of 50 – my interest in channeling re-ignited, and in 2011 I became an Akashic Records Consultant, finally discovering a way to help individuals with this ability. Over time I found myself receiving messages for the public as well and decided to put channeling at the center of my work.

Recently – still later in my late-blooming journey – I learned to incorporate channeling as part of a healing method to clear past life trauma. I also met Lance Rayborn, with whom I do this work, and we decided to form a partnership and host healing calls together to share what we love – working directly with the divine to harness its healing power through Empowered Prayer. The best part of this has been my return to channeling Divine Source/ Creator, which is now at the heart of all I do. 

As a healer, along with past life trauma resolution, I use prayer-based protocols that clear all types and levels of negativity, as well as Compassion Key, an intimate and powerful method for dissolving core wounds and hidden beliefs. 

I also channel people’s higher selves, loved ones (including pets) on the other side, and guidance from the divine realm. I am passionate about teaching how to channel safely and love to speak and write on Divine Partnership, Empowered Prayer, Bridging Heaven and Earth, and Answering your Soul’s Call After Fifty – a topic on which I am an expert.

For more information go to www.TomarLevine.com

Lance Rayborn

I followed what I thought was the mainstream recipe for success: get a degree, then an advanced degree, get a good STEM job with benefits, get your own place and car, save and be responsible with money, etc. Even though I lived comfortably achieving what I thought brings “success,” I was intermittently depressed, addicted to marijuana and abused alcohol, had a suicidal past, was an insomniac my whole life, and struggled with my sexuality, amongst other issues. I was also interestingly an atheist and disliked my job in climate research because I didn’t feel that sitting in an office 40+ hours a week was truly contributing to healing Earth like I intended. 

Fast forward through a highly synchronistic and accelerated period of spiritual awakening through experiences and healings that were visceral, transformative, energetic…life altering. These healed my deep wounds, and opened up links to my Higher Self and Source Consciousness. I was able to cure my life-long insomnia overnight, and have obtained significant control and balance of my life, emotions, energy, including drug abuse and depression lifting…all because of Empowered Prayer through Divine Partnership. I have gratefully shifted my life to my soul’s destined path of spreading my story as well as passionately healing others through powerful modalities and Empowered Prayer that changed my life. 

Meeting Tomar Levine was one of the most interesting and synchronistic experiences, and our Divine Partnership has been one of the best things that has happened in my life. Partnering with each other and with Source has fostered support and growth beyond our imagination, and we are passionate about spreading the Principles of Divine Partnership and sharing our healing capabilities and wisdom with others.

In addition to helping others achieve balance through energy, trauma and karmic healing, I also enjoy my lifestyle in regenerative farming, raising goats and chickens, tiny home building, and am an AirBnB host at Lightning Ranch Intentional Community in Merkel, TX. I am not special in my awakening path, transformation and healing ability — anyone can transform their lives and unlock powerful potential within them to help themselves and the world when they partner with the Divine. The primary ingredient in the recipe for success missing all my life was calling on the love and guidance from God. Nurturing that Divine connection with modern wisdom has brought healing, wholeness, oneness, love…success.

For more information go to www.LanceRayborn.com


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